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The 1996 welfare reform legislation led to a
dramatic reduction in the number of individuals receiving cash assistance.
Although provisions were put in place to preserve Medicaid eligibility
for individuals no longer receiving cash assistance, uncertainty remained
about how welfare reform would affect the insurance coverage of poor
and near poor individuals. A study by Harold A. Pollack, Mathew
M. Davis, Sheldon Danziger, and Sean Orzol funded by the Economic Research
Initiative on the Uninsured (ERIU), examines the health insurance coverage
status of “welfare leavers” in the post-welfare reform
period. They consider effects on coverage and access to care among
women and children.
- Among welfare leavers, 34% of mothers
nationally and 27% of working mothers in Michigan lack coverage,
compared to 8%
nationally and 3% in Michigan of current welfare recipients (p<0.001).
- Among
children of welfare leavers, 22% (p<0.001) of the national sample
and 9% (p<0.01) of the Michigan sample lack coverage while virtually
all children of current welfare recipients have coverage. Maternal
occupation was the strongest predictor of child coverage. Children
of married, non-working
mothers were more likely to lack coverage (odds ratio [OR]=2.44 of
uninsurance compared to unmarried working mothers).
- Maternal and child
coverage are closely linked. In welfare leaver families, 33-38% of
children with an uninsured mother lacked coverage, versus
2-3% of children with an insured mother.
- Women leaving welfare
within the past year versus earlier are significantly less likely
to lack coverage
- Lacking coverage was less likely
among welfare leavers in larger families versus smaller ones (OR=0.76,
p<0.05), among African
Americans versus non-Hispanic whites (OR=0.56, p<0.05), among those
in managerial (OR=0.3, p<0.05) and operator jobs (OR=0.24, p<0.05)
versus those in service or “other occupations,” and among
those with a child with mental health concerns versus those without
such concerns (OR=0.25, p<0.05).
- Lacking coverage was more likely
among welfare leavers over age 35 than among younger mothers (OR=1.49,
p<0.05), among those with a child
with physical health concerns versus those without (OR=2.5, p<0.05),
and among women with their own physical health concerns versus
those without (OR=2.02, p<0.05).
- Adult welfare leavers who work are much more
likely than current welfare recipients to have foregone (38% versus
14%) or delayed (21.8% versus 12.6%) needed medical care for financial
- Reported delays in obtaining needed care were
significantly less likely among African American mothers than among
non-Hispanic white
mothers (OR=0.52, p<0.05) and more likely among women with physical
health barriers (OR=3.13, p<0.001), and among women with mental health
barriers (OR=1.89, p<0.05) than women without such barriers.
- Reported
delays in obtaining needed care for children were significantly
more likely among welfare leavers in states with more rapid caseload
declines than in other states (OR=3.46, p<0.05).
One unintended consequence of welfare reform has been to reduce health
insurance coverage among former welfare recipients. This decline
has occurred despite policy initiatives intended to help welfare
leavers retain coverage. Individuals leaving cash assistance are
vulnerable to losing their health insurance coverage because the
jobs they secure are less likely to come with offers of group health
insurance. Post-welfare earnings are typically too low to allow
these individuals to afford private coverage in the individual
market. Former welfare recipients with physical or mental disabilities,
who face greater health care needs, are more likely to lack coverage.
Also, as others have found, children are more likely to lack coverage
when a parent is uninsured.
Small sample size, particularly in the case of uninsured children in the Michigan
sample, reduces the statistical power of this study. Most results with
the statistical power necessary to reject the null hypothesis are bivariate
comparisons across groups; multivariate models performed poorly. The analysis
does not address the potentially endogenous relationship among health insurance
status, welfare status, and health status. The data permit the analysis
of factors influencing participation in a public program (e.g., Medicaid,
SCHIP) but not of why eligible non-participants do not participate. For
example, some families may have tried unsuccessfully to enroll in public
programs. Others may have successfully enrolled initially did not complete
administrative steps for continued enrollment.
The primary data source is the Women’s Employment Survey (WES), a 1997-2001
longitudinal study of single mothers who are current and former welfare recipients
in one Michigan County. The 1999 National Survey of America’s Families
(NSAF) household survey is used for national comparison data. Welfare leavers
are defined as female head of households who left the welfare rolls following
enactment of the 1996 welfare reform law. WES: 432 women in one Michigan county
who received TANF in February 1997 but were not participating in fall 2001;
all are U.S. citizens, ages 18-54, Caucasian or African American. NSAF: 992
women who had received their last benefits in August 1996 or later.
Bivariate comparisons and multiple logistic regressions are used to estimate
health insurance coverage status and access/utilization among welfare leavers.
Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Care Among Former Welfare Recipients
Harold A. Pollack, Matthew M. Davis, Sheldon Danziger,
Sean Orzol, University of Michigan
Conference paper presented at ERIU
Research Conference, July 2002
Working Paper #13 (Adobe PDF) Back to top
Funded by The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, ERIU is a five-year program shedding new light on the causes and consequences of lack of coverage, and the crucial role that health insurance plays in shaping the U.S. labor market. The Foundation does not endorse the findings of this or other independent research projects. |