Aizer, Anna
Grogger, Jeffrey |
Parental Medicaid Expansions and Health Insurance Coverage
Bansak, Cynthia
Raphael, Steven |
The Effects of State Policy Design Features on Take Up and Crowd Out Rates for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program
Bhattacharya, Jay
Schoenbaum, Michael |
The Value of the Medicare Benefit for Social Security Disability Insurance Recipients and Applicants
Blumberg, Linda
Nichols, Len |
Why Are So Many Americans Uninsured? A Conceptual Framework, Summary of the Evidence, and Delineation of the Gaps in Our Knowledge
Borjas, George |
Reform, Labor Supply, and Health Insurance
in the Immigrant Population
Bundorf, M. Kate
Pauly, Mark V.
The Uninsured:
Risk, Income, and “Affordability” of
Cawley, John
Simon, Kosali |
The Impact of Macroeconomic Conditions on the Health Insurance Coverage of Americans
Chernew, Michael
Cutler, David
Keenan, Patricia |
Rising Health Care Costs and the Decline in Insurance Coverage
Chernew, Michael
Hirth, Richard |
Modeling the Causes and Consequences of Lack of Health Insurance Coverage: Gaps in the Literature
Christian, Michael S. |
Distribution of Medicaid and Employer-Sponsored
Health Insurance Coverage Among Immigrants
Before and After the 1996 Welfare Reform
Crow, Sarah
Harrington, Mary
McLaughlin, Catherine |
Sources of Vulnerability: A Critical Review of the Literature on Racial/Ethnic Minorities, Immigrants, and Persons with Chronic Mental Illness
DeLeire, Thomas
Levine, Judith
Levy, Helen |
Welfare Reform Responsible for Low-Skilled
Women’s Declining Health Insurance
Coverage in the 1990s?
Dey, Matthew
Flinn, Christopher |
An Equilibrium Model of Health Insurance Provision and Wage Determination
Dushi, Irena
Honig, Marjorie
Offers or
Take-Up: Explaining Minorities’ Lower
Health Insurance Coverage
Ellis, Randall P.
Ma, Albert C. T.
Health Insurance,
Expectations, and Job Turnover
Fang, Hanming
Silverman, Dan |
About Future Health and the Demand
for Health and Health Insurance
Geronimus, Arline
Bound, John |
Urban/Rural Differences in Excess Mortality
Among High Poverty Populations: Evidence
from the Harlem Health Survey and Pitt
County Hypertension Study
Gruber, Jonathan
Madrian, Brigitte |
Health Insurance, Labor Supply, and Job Mobility: A Critical Review of the Literature
Gruber, Jonathan
McKnight, Robin |
Did Employee Health Insurance Contributions
Gruber, Jonathan
Washington, Ebonya |
Subsidies to Employee Health Insurance Premiums and the Health Insurance Market
Haas, Jennifer
Swartz, Katherine |
The Effects of Worker, Firm, and Market
Characteristics on Access to Employer Sponsored
Health Insurance
Hill, Steven C.
Kreider, Brent
Partially Identifying Treatment Effects in the Presence of Unobserved Treatments: The Case of Universal Health Insurance
Kuttner, Hanns
Baughman, Reagan
Christian, Michael
Mortensen, Karoline
Employment and Health Insurance: Views from Five Surveys
Lang, Kevin
Kang, Hong
Worker Sorting,Taxes and Health Insurance Coverage
Lang, Kevin
Kang, Hong |
Why Do Firms Offer Multiple Health Plans?
Levy, Helen |
The Economic Consequences of Being Uninsured
Levy, Helen
Meltzer, David |
What Do We Really Know About Whether Health Insurance Affects Health?
Lo Sasso, Anthony
Lurie, Ithai
Buchmueller, Thomas
Senesky, Sarah
Immigrants and Employer-Provided Health Insurance |
Maxwell, Nan L.
Paringer, Lynn |
Employer-Based Health Insurance for Less-Skilled Workers: Offers and Acceptances
McGuire, Thomas
Alegria, Margerita
Cao, Zhun
Takeuchi, David |
Health Insurance
for Vulnerable Populations: Understanding
Differences across Asian American and
Latino Subgroups in the United States
Monheit, Alan C.
Vistnes, Jessica Primoff
Health Insurance
Enrollment Decisions: Understanding
the Role of Preferences for Coverage
Pollack, Harold
Davis, Matthew
Danziger, Sheldon
Orzol, Sean |
Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Care Among Former Welfare Recipients
Pollack, Harold
Kronebusch, Karl |
Health Insurance and Vulnerable Populations
Royalty, Anne Beeson
Abraham, Jean |
Health Insurance
and Labor Market Outcomes: Joint Decision-Making
Within Households
Royalty, Anne
Hagens, John |
The Effect of Premiums on the Decision to Participate in Health Insurance and Other Fringe Benefits Offered by the Employer: Evidence from a Real-World Experiment
Short, Pamela Farley |
Counting and Characterizing the Uninsured
Waidmann, Timothy
Garrett, Bowen
Hadley, Jack |
Explaining Differences in Employer Sponsored
Insurance Coverage by Race, Ethnicity and
Immigrant Status
Weir, David
Willis, Robert |
Divorce, and Loss of Health Insurance
Among Near-Elderly Women: Evidence
from the Health and Retirement Study
Wolfe, Barbara
Kaplan, Thomas
Haveman, Robert
Cho, Yoon Young
Extending Health Care Coverage to the Low-Income Population: The Influence of the Wisconsin BadgerCare Program on Insurance Coverage
Yelowitz, Aaron |
Medicaid and Work Decisions of Married Women
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