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eriu: Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured Initiating and disemminating research to spark new policy discussion on health coverage issues.
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      Costs of Health Insurance
      Demand for Health Insurance   
      Employment-Based Coverage
      Labor Markets
      Near Elderly Population
      Vulnerable Populations
      Welfare, Medicaid, and SCHIP

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ERIU Funded Research

ERIU has more than 50 funded projects, all in different states of completion. Below you will find explanations of the documents we have for our completed projects, as well as topical and author listings for all of our projects.

Research Highlights
ERIU produces research highlights based on a subset of its funded research. The intent of these is to provide various policy audiences with up-to-date research findings on relevant topics.

Research Findings
ERIU produces research findings for the initiative's funded projects. These short documents provide a summary of the paper's key econometric findings, methodology, and limitations. Research findings also outline potential implications of the research.

Working Papers
Completed ERIU-funded research projects each result in a working paper that provides details about the study approach and findings. Many of the studies subsequently result in articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Substantive revisions made during the journal publication process may not be reflected in the working papers.

Q & A with the Author
The Research Highlights are accompanied by Q & As with the authors. These interviews provide additional insight into the key findings and policy applications of their research project. Additional interviews with ERIU-funded experts focus on their broader research agenda and their evaluation of a variety of important health policy topics.


4 New Papers Offer New Perspectives on Health Economic Concepts (more)

ERIU Research Highlight 8: Wisconsin's SCHIP Program Provides Lifeline for Mothers Leaving Welfare for Work (more)

Papers from 2005 summer conference, "School, Work, Retirement: Coverage Impacts Across the Lifespan" (more)

  45 million uninsured? 64 million uninsured? 20 million uninsured? How can more than one number be right? (more)
  ERIU presents "Top Ten Myths about the Uninsured" (more)