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eriu: Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured Initiating and disemminating research to spark new policy discussion on health coverage issues.
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      Costs of Health Insurance
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Home > Funded Research Home > Completed > Sort by Topic > Costs of Health Insurance

Research Topic: Costs of Health Insurance

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Research in the Costs of Health Insurance section answers such questions as: How does the unemployment rate affect health insurance coverage? Why does the cost of insurance continue to rise, and why are employees paying so much more? What are the economic consequences of being uninsured?
Chernew, Michael
Cutler, David
Keenan, Patricia
Rising Health Care Costs and the Decline in Insurance Coverage (PDF) 03/05 Abstract
Research Findings
Gruber, Jonathan
McKnight, Robin
Why Did Employee Health Insurance Contributions Rise? (PDF) 03/02 Abstract
Research Findings
Levy, Helen The Economic Consequences of Being Uninsured (PDF) 10/02 Abstract